The purpose of the design is to remove a small tissue sample containing both the dermis and the hypodermis. The dart has a small stainless steel cutter located on the tip of an aluminum nosecone. The cutter encompasses a barbed capture claw to ensure sufficient sample retention. Upon impact, the DNA Dart extracts the tissue sample and falls to the ground. A single tissue sample captured by the dart can provide enough tissue, conceivably, for at least three DNA tests once the DNA has been properly isolated in the laboratory. It’s important to note: Cutter dimensions and dart weights are species dependent. Our standard DNA dart is built on a 2cc dart body with a cutter measuring approximately 0.165” X 0.150”.

DNA Darts
For optimum results, DNA darts should be fired from a variable – power dart projector at ranges from 20 – 40 yards
Upon impact, the dart will fall to the ground.
Place the standard size retrieved dart into the 15ml polyethylene mailing tube. In the event an alternative dart and/or cutter size is required, unscrew the aluminum nosecone and extract the tissue sample with sterile tweezers placing the sample into the plastic mailing tube.
Fill the mailing tube with isopropyl “rubbing” alcohol immediately after inserting the dart and/or sample
Place duct tape around the lid of the mailing tube prior to shipment.
Available in both a “P” and “C” type designs; the flight characteristics are virtually equal to Pneu-Dart practice darts of equal volume.